Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice 5/5 (4)

Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice
Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice

Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice

Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice or to convince someone for marriage can be use to get married to a specific person. We will Provide you dua to get married to the person you want. There is no doubt that marriage is the purest form of relationship. And a relationship beyond explanation. Apart from that, marriage is the other form of purest and deepest love.  And the basic pillar of building up a family.

Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice
Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice

Marriage indeed not only creates a lifetime relationship between husband and wife, but two families also become the companion for a lifetime. That’s why choosing a suitable person is the primary work for marriage. You are the one who can understand the best what type of person will be the best match for you. But you may not have the permission of your family in such a decision. Then initiate the regular practice of Dua to Marry Someone of Your Choice to make your wish.

“RabbanaaaAatinaaFiddunyaa H’asanataWaFilAakhirati H’asantaaWaQinaaA’d’aabanNaar”

  • Read this words devoting all your soul in it.
  • Always remain in the practice of five-time Namaz.
  • Recite the exceeding Dua for continuous 11 Times along with Islamic Surah.
  • Try to find a peaceful place where you can change your prayer.
  • Then utter the following words –

“Vaduz Omar Allah ill lahi Omni POTUS Volant is solaristamayahmayantey Amin uradaal”

  • If you are a lady do not pray during the mensuration cycle.
  • Please pray the words with Deep feeling. Your prayer will be accepted by Allah for sure.

Dua To Convince Someone For Marriage

Dua To Convince Someone For Marriage, Do you have a genuine feeling for someone? Do you think you are not able to live without her? Then tell it to her with all your love and passion. If you do not get a positive reply then you have an only way. Go and seek the help of Almighty Allah. Because he is the one who can sail through your bat in this tough situation. Dua to Convince Someone for Marriage is the best way to fulfill your wish.

So start the Dua to Convince Someone for Marriage to become closer to someone special. But remember to follow the following rituals.

“Wallazeeqaddarafahadaailla ma shaa. AllahuinnahuyaAalamualjahrawamayakhfa. Thumma la yamootufeehawalayahya. Qadaflaha man tazakka.”

  • This is a very simple Dua process, so you can do it even at your home. Believe us this prayer is very effective and many people got benefitted from it.
  • Be fresh and start the prayer only after taking a bath.
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Seat on a clean namaaz mat by facing to the PaakMucca.
  • Recite the above words followed by Marghibnamaaz.
  • Try to initiate the process from Friday (Jumma day).
  • Now utter the pure Durood Sharif Ibrahim for consistent 66 occasions.
  • Next, read the Surah al kafirun 111 times accordingly.

Inshah Allah, you will get the result for sure if you can do it by using all your faith in the Superpower.

Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person

Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person, Do you have a strong desire that you will marry a specific one? Besides if you think that your life is empty with that specific person you must seek the meher of Allah. Insha Allah! He is the father and the source of all power. That’s why he is the single one who can lead in the true path of love. So start the Dua to Get Married to a Specific Person as early as possible. Allah will surely be with you if your love has the true sense. We will provide you Salat Istikhara For Love Marriage.

But there are some extremities you have to follow to perform the Dua to Get Married to a Specific Person properly. On the other hand, an appropriate prayer procedure is the best way to fulfill your wish. So don’t forget to follow the following rituals.

“BismillaahirRahmaanir Raheem Waz-zaariyaatizarwaafalhaamilaati. Wiqraafalijaariyaatiyusraa. Falmuqassimaatiamraainnamaa. Too’adoona la-saadiqwainnad la. Waaqiwassamaa’izaatilhubuk. Innakumlafeeqawlimmukhtaifyu’faku. Anhu man ufikqutilalkharraasoon. Yas’aloonaayyaanayawamuddeen.”

  • This is a very powerful prayer to solve your problem regarding love life.
  • Start the prayer just after you’ve had a bath.
  • Put on fresh clothes.
  • Face the PaakMucca while sitting on a clean namaaz mat.
  • Recite the words above, then Marghibnamaaz.
  • Now perform Surah ulkafiran for continuous 88 occasions.
  • Thereafter read the Duroodsharifibraham 222 times according.
  • Next, utter the sacred words of Surah AnNur consistent 7 times.
  • Now again read the Duroodsharifibraham 222 times according.

Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want

Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want, Marry to a lovely person is a common desire to all of us. But a few are fortunate who find their true love and marry them. If you are feeling a deep love from the bottom of your heart for someone you deserve her love back. The Almighty Allah is the sea of pity and love. He will never ignore your prayer if you are true in your words and feelings. In such circumstances, you must read the Dua to Get Married to the Person You Want. This will surely be the most beneficial way for you.

So start the prayer process for the Dua to Get Married to the Person You Want shortly. To learn how to do this correctly. Just be calm and true by heart and follow the upcoming rituals.

“Allah Hummalayyinqalbifulan. Bintifulankamalayyintihadidi li. Sayyidinada’udalayhissalam.”

  • Try to initiate the prayer from Tuesday to get the best outcome.
  • Perform the Dua followed by the Duhurnamaaz.
  • Place a picture of the special person in front of yourself during the prayer.
  • Now utter the pure words of Durood Sharif for consistent 7 times.
  • Thereafter read SurhAnkaboot for 59 occasions according.
  • Next, utter the words of Surah Al Taghabun three times.
  • It will be best if you can perform the entire process at midnight.
  • Remember to practice this Dua for at least a week regularly.

This discussion will surely be a handful source of information on how to earn the love of someone special. Please do the process with all your heart and soul to get a certain result.

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About ya lateefu 90 Articles
Molana is a famous name in Indian molana; he is an expert in ruhani ilm. molana has 30 years of ruhani ilaz experience, a lot of peoples from India and outside of India now living a happy life by using his services. If you have any problem in life and your hope has been loose then contact to Molana. Allah will help you to solve difficulties, but you need to make faith in it.