Spells To Destroy Relationship

Spells To Destroy Relationship
Spells To Destroy Relationship

Spells To Destroy Relationship

Spells To Destroy Relationship or to break up a relationship can be use to end someone’s relationship. You can use our most powerful spells to ruin a relationship for all in one solution.

Spells To Destroy Relationship
Spells To Destroy Relationship

To destroy a relationship, all you need is guts. You must have enough courage to destroy a relationship. But the question rises with whom you want to destroy your relationship or for whom you want to end your relationship.

One of the most challenging things in the world is destroying a relationship, especially if the link is your closet one. Reasons. Why does a person want to end a relationship? There must be a lot of reasons behind it, why a person wants to end a relationship. Such as

  • It an unlawful relationship (an extramarital affair between a husband and another woman or between a wife and another man)
  • User need to contact with your enemy
  • You must Communication with the person whom you hate most
  • If you lose interest in the person and does not bear him/her more
  • Your children fall in love with a wrong person or come in a relationship before his/her maturity
  • Someone trapped in an abusive relationship

These are all the reasons as mentioned earlier why a person wants to destroy a relationship. Apart from all of such purposes, there is one more reason behind it, which is revenge. Yes, by destroying a relationship once can take revenge.

But we would like you to do not go for this option or if you still want to go for it then get ready for the karma cycle. These spells must perform on those persons who are suffering from it. Do not use these Spells To Destroy Relationship in an evil way.

Spells To Break Up A Relationship

Spells To Break Up A Relationship, Nowadays, it is common for teenagers to break their relations with their boyfriends or girlfriends. The person who does not violate their relationship suffers the most.

Kids or teenagers become insane and start to act like a maniac person. They begin consuming alcohol, smoking, comes in a new relationship every day or week, or try to harm others. Then they do not focus on their career paths; their minds get easily divert due to the breakup

But sometimes it is the best way to do the breakup. Reasons are as follows:

  • To come out from an abusive relationship
  • Begin a new life
  • Focus on your career
  • For the sake of the family’s happiness
  • How to cast a spell?


  • Lemon
  • Black & purple candle
  • Picture of couples
  • Scissor
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Vinegar
  • Nail or pins
  • Black string
  • Athame


Prepare your candles for extra energy and put vinegar over it. Place both the candles one on the left side and another on right side. Cut the lemon into halves and sprinkle cayenne & black pepper, salt over it and place one slice near to the candle

Tear the photo from the middle and pin it down on the surface of lemon then recite the spells:

Conflicts & Fights

Heartbreaks and terrifying nights

It will become unfortunate

Like the curse of an evil

Segregate paths you will follow

In the depth of your heart, you already may know

Out of love with many amounts of hate

This becomes your permanent destiny

From this day onwards

My wish will achieve

I will hold the fortunate key from now on

So it will mote be

Spell To End Someone’s Relationship

Spell To End Someone’s Relationship, Breaking up a relationship is not a very easy task, especially when that person is your closet one, or you are the one who is going to face all those breaks up circumstances.

People who do break up on the names of their family, career and other reasons and still get engaged with someone else are the fake ones. They never live with a single person in their life because they treat the relationship as a game.

It does not look good to end someone’s else relationship. But sometimes it becomes the need to complete it as you require to do this because that an unlawful relationship or an abusive relationship etc

  • How to perform a spell?


  • Black candle
  • Carving tool
  • Match
  • Eggs
  • Black string
  • Paper sheet
  • Black marker
  • Small lid jar or container
  • Black pepper
  • Vinegar


Crave the name of the people whom you want to end their relationship over the candle through the assistance of craving tool. With the help of a black marker, write down the names of the couple who you want to end their relationships and then place all three eggs in front of the candle.

Now write the name on the paper as well and draw a circle around the name across the titles. Take the candle and drop the wax on the ring. Crack the eggs into jar or container and tear the paper on which names have written. Sprinkle black pepper and vinegar into it and shake it well.

Place it and wait for the candle to burn out. Then bury that jar or container at a shady dark spot

Spells To Ruin A Relationship

Spells To Ruin A Relationship, To ruin a relationship is the easiest thing to do and the most challenging thing to do. There must be a lot of reasons behind it, why a person wants to end a relationship. Such as

  • It an unlawful relationship (an extramarital affair between a husband and another woman or between a wife and another man)
  • You must keep in contact with your enemy
  • user requires communication with the person whom you hate most
  • You lose interest in the person and does not bear him/her more
  • Your children fall in love with a wrong person or come in a relationship before his/her maturity
  • Someone trapped in an abusive relationship
  • How to perform a spell?


  • Piece of red paper
  • Heart charm
  • Black candle
  • Picture of couple
  • Your voice
  • Faith
  • Scissor
  • Few minutes of meditation
  • Hammer


Sit for a moment and meditate for a few minutes. Bring out the two black candles and light them. Cut a heart shape from red paper. Take a picture of the couples and paste it with the help of tape to the heart shape red paper and recite the spell:

(name of the person) may find discomfort in (name of the person’s partner) and his or her love shall die for the (partner’s name)

Cut the pictures in the halves from the middle of the couple. Burn both the pieces on both the candles separately. Now smash the heart charm with the help of a hammer and think about the couple leaving each other.

Spells To Mend A Relationship

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About ya lateefu 90 Articles
Molana is a famous name in Indian molana; he is an expert in ruhani ilm. molana has 30 years of ruhani ilaz experience, a lot of peoples from India and outside of India now living a happy life by using his services. If you have any problem in life and your hope has been loose then contact to Molana. Allah will help you to solve difficulties, but you need to make faith in it.